wolf canyon 5th grade
We are excited for a great start to the new year. Just a few reminders, homework planners go home Monday and are due the following Monday. Please refer to the planners nightly to keep up-to-date on daily assignments and fifth grade events and initial the planner nightly. Please do not hesitate to contact any of the fifth grade teachers with questions/comments.
Parents! To help us get through the second half of the year, we are asking for Kleenex, Clorox wipes/Baby wipes donations. Thank you!!! We look forward to meeting with all of you during parent conferences. Congratulations William, Anabella, Marielle, and Carly on your fantastic specches. Way to go!!!! CHECK OUT THE SCHOOL BLOG: https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?tab=rm&ogbl#inbox/FMfcgxwHMGKJWmhHHgMlRpxsQtbGfbbf |